Credible FHIR
Supported Product: Credible Behavioral Health Version 11
Sandbox Base URL: https://fhir.cbhstg4.crediblebh.com
Sandbox Authorization Endpoint: https://sts-duende.cbhstg4.crediblebh.com/connect/authorize
Sandbox Token Endpoint: https://sts-duende.cbhstg4.crediblebh.com/connect/token
Production Base URLs: Download the Credible Endpoint Directory FHIR Bundle
Production Authorization Endpoint: https://sts-duende.cbh4.crediblebh.com/connect/authorize
Production Token Endpoint: https://sts-duende.cbh4.crediblebh.com/connect/token
Terms & Conditions
No fees are charged to access the API documentation.
At this time, no additional fees will be assessed.
Credible FHIR APIs are only available to registered developers.
Production access is limited to Qualifacts customers that have licensed the Credible FHIR API functionality.
App developers must ensure all electronic protected health information (ePHI) is handled securely and appropriately.
Developers are encouraged to review all applicable state and federal rules including, but not limited to, the related ONC criteria:
Patients and their authorized representatives must request API access directly from the participating agency.
Developers must first register to gain access to the sandbox environment.
Step 1: Review the Qualifacts Terms and Conditions.
Step 2: Using the Qualifacts FHIR API Developer Registration form, send the following information to the Credible FHIR API coordinator at CredibleFHIRAppReg@qualifacts.com
By submitting a registration request, you agree to accept and be fully bound by the FHIR API Terms of Use.
Software Company Name
Software/Application Name
Software Company Website URL
Software Company’s Address (Street, City, State, ZIP, Country)
Developer/Contact Name
Contact Phone Number
Contact Email Address
Requested Scope(s) (patient, user, system)
OAuth Callback URL (required for Patient and Provider applications, not needed for System-to-System)
JWKS URL (required for System-to-System applications, used to extract JSON Web Keys)
Intended Purpose(s) of Application
Intended Application User(s)
Brief Description of the Application
Step 3: Qualifacts registers the developer application.
Step 4: Qualifacts sends you the credentials needed for sandbox access.
Step 5: Test your API in the sandbox.
Step 6: When your API is ready, contact the FHIR API coordinator for production access.
If your app is Provider-facing, or a System-to-System (Bulk FHIR) implementation, the participating organization must also approve your app.
Technical Documentation
API Information
See our Swagger page for API details.
Vendors with production access will be notified of any upcoming changes to the FHIR API via their registered email address.
System Requirements
Apps using the Credible FHIR API must be able to:
Connect via HTTPS with TLS 1.2
Securely store the client_id and client_secret, or support Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
Process JSON response files
Credible FHIR uses OAuth 2.0 and Open ID Connect for authentication.
Tokens, including initial refresh tokens, are issued as JSON Web Tokens.
- Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is available for apps that cannot securely store the client_secret:
PKCE Code Challenge Method: S256
Supported PKCE Encryption Method: ES384 or RS384
Resources & Scopes
Credible FHIR APIs are built to the FHIR® Specification R4.0.1 and US Core Implementation v3.1.1 as published by HL7® and support the following FHIR Resources.
Bulk data request APIs are built to the FHIR Bulk Data Access (Flat FHIR) 1.0.1 specification also published by HL7®.
AllergyIntolerance search-type, read
US Core AllergyIntolerance Profile USCDI v1
- CarePlan search-type, read
US Core CarePlan Profile USCDI v1
CareTeam search-type, read
US Core CareTeam Profile USCDI v1
Condition search-type, read
US Core Condition Encounter Diagnosis Profile USCDI v1
US Core Condition Problems and Health Concerns Profile USCDI v1
Device search-type, read
US Core Implantable Device Profile USCDI v1
- DiagnosticReport search-type, read
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Laboratory Results Reporting USCDI v1
US Core DiagnosticReport Profile for Report and Note Exchange USCDI v1
DocumentReference search-type, read
US Core DocumentReference Profile USCDI v1
Encounter search-type, read
US Core Encounter Profile USCDI v1
Goal search-type, read
US Core Goal Profile USCDI v1
Immunization search-type, read
US Core Immunization Profile USCDI v1
Location search-type, read
US Core Location Profile USCDI v1
Medication read
US Core Medication Profile USCDI v1
MedicationRequest search-type, read
US Core MedicationRequest Profile USCDI v1
Observation search-type, read
US Core Observation Clinical Test Result Profile USCDI v1
US Core Observation Imaging Result Profile USCDI v1
US Core Laboratory Result Observation Profile USCDI v1
US Core Observation Sexual Orientation Profile USCDI v1
US Core Observation Social History Profile USCDI v1
- US Core Observation SurveyProfile USCDI v1
US Core Observation SDOH Assessment Profile USCDI v1
US Core Smoking Status Observation Profile USCDI v1
- US Core Vital Signs Profile USCDI v1
US Core Pediatric Head Occipital-frontal Circumference Percentile Profile USCDI v1
US Core Blood Pressure Profile USCDI v1
US Core BMI Profile USCDI v1
US Core Body Height Profile USCDI v1
US Core Body Temperature Profile USCDI v1
US Core Body Weight Profile USCDI v1
US Core Head Circumference Profile USCDI v1
US Core Heart Rate Profile USCDI v1
US Core Pediatric BMI for Age Observation Profile USCDI v1
US Core Pediatric Weight for Height Observation Profile USCDI v1
US Core Pulse Oximetry Profile USCDI v1
US Core Respiratory Rate Profile USCDI v1
Organization search-type, read
US Core Organization Profile USCDI v1
Patient search-type, read
US Core Patient Profile USCDI v1
Practitioner search-type, read
US Core Practitioner Profile USCDI v1
Procedure search-type, read
US Core Procedure Profile USCDI v1
Provenance read
US Core Provenance Profile USCDI v1
Provider Directory search-type, read
US Core Organization Profile USCDI v1
US Core Practitioner Profile USCDI v1
US Core PractitionerRole Profile USCDI v1
US Core Location Profile USCDI v1
Common Error Codes
Qualifacts makes every effort to ensure the Credible FHIR API works correctly every time. If there is an issue, the Credible FHIR API will return standard HTTP error codes.
The most common errors you could encounter are listed below.
Client Errors
Code |
400 |
Bad Request |
The server cannot process the request due to an apparent client error. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
The required authentication failed or was not provided. |
403 |
Forbidden |
A valid request was received, but refused by the server. Typically, this is due to the user not having the necessary permissions for the specified resource. |
404 |
Not Found |
The requested resource could not be found. |
408 |
Request Timeout |
The server timed out waiting for the request. |
429 |
Too Many Requests |
Too many requests have been sent in a given time period. |
Check your API request for misspellings and other incorrect syntax.
Make sure the request has a valid token and matches the request - for example, the token was for a patient at ABC Org, but the request was sent to XYZ Org.
Compare the request with the list of supported FHIR resources and scopes.
Server Errors
Code |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
A generic error message for an unexpected condition. |
502 |
Bad Gateway |
The gateway/proxy server received an invalid response from the upstream server. |
503 |
Service Unavailable |
The server cannot handle the request, typically because it is overloaded or down for maintenance. |
504 |
Gateway Timeout |
The gateway/proxy server did not receive a timely response from the upstream server. |
In case of a server error, first wait a few minutes before sending another request.
If the issue persists, please notify the Credible FHIR API coordinator at CredibleFHIRAppReg@qualifacts.com.