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CareLogic EHI Export

Supported Product: CareLogic Enterprise S3 version

Single Patient Export

Patients and their authorized representatives must request the Single Patient export from their provider directly.

Designated agency staff initiate the Single Patient Export process in the CareLogic application through the EHI Export Batch Creation page on the Administration menu.

Qualifacts staff cannot provide Single Patient EHI Exports on behalf of any agency.

Patient Population Export

Designated agency staff request the Patient Population Export in the CareLogic application through the EHI Export Batch Creation page on the Administration menu.

Please allow up to 30 calendar days for the export process to complete.


Only one Patient Population Export can be requested at a time. By requesting a Patient Population Export, you agree to accept and be fully bound by the Qualifacts Terms and Conditions.

Accessing the EHI Export

Designated agency staff access the completed Single Patient and Patient Population EHI exports directly in CareLogic through EHI Export Batch History.


All EHI Export download links automatically expire 30 days after the export file status is Complete.

Technical Documentation

File Types

The EHI Export consists of a zip file containing a set of comma-delimited text files (CSV), one text file per data table.

An additional CSV file lists all the attachments that are included in the zip.

Data Dictionary

See the CareLogic EHI Export Data Dictionary for complete details.